While November might just be another month to us, we forget that many living souls from countries which are going through a grey bitter winter right now who would ‘die’ to trade for a day of Malaysian weather. An eternal summer perfect for beer fest, concerts, garage sales; just anything under the sun all year long. Just imagine a festival where we can have all that in one place! i’m diggin’ that idea. Who wouldn’t?
Here’s the perfect reason for us to cherish and celebrate summer: The Urbanscapes Big Weekend. Remember to mark your calendars for the 23rd and 24th of November red because Malaysia’s leading creative arts festival since 2002 (famously known as Urbanscapes) will be featuring a smorgasbord of creative performances, offering scrumptious food; you-name-them-all, to tantalize all your 5 senses at Malaysia Agro Exposition Park, Serdang (MAEPS).
{Identical twin sisters Tegan and Sara, the Canadian indie rock duo since 1995 will be there to pump us up!}
Tiger, also sponsored the Tiger Urbanscapes Satellite Show with Explosions in the Sky and Mew last Halloween night @ KL Live. If you missed it, you can check out their pictures here:
If you’d love to find out more about the big event, visit Tiger’s Twitter account @tigermalaysia. i’ve been keeping up with their updates closely, and i’m gonna pick my outfit N.O.W. Remember to #MakeUrbanscapesEpic on your Instagram!