The GaGa Post

Today i have another humble post to share on Cameron, but it’s called GaGa because it’s a HUGE / longgg post. 8)

That night, for some reasons i felt pretty worn out. The thought of having to drive all the way back down that winding hill again ‘crucified’ me. Exhausted, i went to bed early.


The saying “早睡早起”, 真的有他的好. i suggested a|x to visit a strawberry farm nearby as everyone was still sleeping.


We picked some strawberries, took some lovely pictures, and even bought some stuff :


We also bumped into an ol’ friendly Japanese couple who helped us snap this picture. Hope they are both safe at Japan now. ♥


Ordered myself a generous plate of nasi goreng kampung with fat cili padi for brunch. 😀


Here is when the trip became a lil’ challenging for me.


Maybe you can tell from this helpless faint smile of mine.

We went back to the house to gather for jungle trekking. That word alone kills me. i thought i could skip that part but the situation insisted. #FML

Nonetheless, i still managed to capture a couple of nice shots. 8)



Halfway through we saw a sign saying the watch tower is under renovation.

Some of ’em berkeras and berdegil on climbing it, so i have no choice la. Wait for Clark Kent to fly me up meh, deng!


When we finally reached the top we realized that no renovation has ever started. It looked as if an earthquake + Tsunami just crashed.


#Groupicture 1

Devastated, we went to search for a non-existent waterfall; which turned out to be a parit! Jesus. Maria & Joseph. Once again i felt ‘crucified’.

The next stop, however, was back to fun and breeze~!


We visited the BOH Tea Plantation. 😀


Here was where we wanna go – that hanging cafe that looks very safe at the edge.


*Clickety Click*


Bumped into Rajoo the monkey, not the owner. Rajoo almost scratched somebody’s face because he was assumed as a circus monkey and was asked to hi5. Duh~ lol!


Baby tea leaves.


Finally we reached the top. i believe all my fried rice calories were burnt to 0 at this point. No wonder this knit looks so big on me (kidding)!


Went to see how tea leaves are processed. It was like back to rombongan sek men (not sex men ok, i meant sekolah menengah).


a|x being a good son, bought his parents one of each of these tinned premium tea leaves. You know, people say a potential good husband are those who love their parents. ehem.


While i, being the Asian that i am, couldn’t let go of sight anything that’s free – so i tasted the sample blackcurrant tea ^.^


After all that shopping, it was time to do what a|x is doing in this picture – RELAX!



☀ i think this was the highlight of my day~!


with Humbert the humming bird.


with a|x – now my friends would nudge me everytime they see an Armani Exchange sign and say “Look! It’s Alex!!” -_- When i blame them for conning me they will say it’s my fault. -__________-


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This part was fun too! i guess there is no cure. Even if it’s shopping for aunty stuff i am happy.


There’s one thing i’m sure we all Malaysians have in common – that we ALL wish the temperature here, is like Cameron or Genting Highlands. TRUE OR NOT!?!?!?


Somebody’s buying some cartoony magnets for his sons Nasciturus and Lothar Mataus fridge.


Latino Boyband! Vote for them to enter MTV Awards 2011.


Back @ the house..


these guys played football.

Video if you’re interested. If not just skip.

Just like Pokemon Team Rocket likes to say, “Prepare for Trouble, Make it Double!“. This was when my double nightmare arrived.

1. Finally it was time for me to drive down the slopes >.<”


Halfway through we stopped by this waterfall to take some pictures.


❤ ❥ ♡ ❣ ❦ ❧


The guys mentioned something about how you will find true love / your lover will never leave you / your wish will come true, if you go all the way to make a stone stand like so – don’t know how true that is.. i’m Malaysian but never heard of it.

2. My biggest challenge faced me like death. i crossed a waterfall for the very first time in my life wtf!


i lowered my center gravity and crawled my way on those slippery rocks to the middle of this monster…



Once i reached there i didn’t even dare turn my head. i fastened my camera to my hands and being the proud Asian that i am, i cam whored 99. (baru tai mar! Climbed until so sanfu.. kanina.)


Nah, tired smile.


At this point i was having an internal conflict with my phobia of heights and feelin’ super dizzy max T_T


Some guys, on the other hand, were having a great time climbing.


And risking their lives. lol.. but i really like this picture.


Our Tarzan model.


After everyone abandoned me, or i abandoned everyone, a group of angels came to befriend me. They saw me cam whoring and thought i was Korean! i wish.

This bunch of kids are ‘Cameronian’; so friendly, so adorable, and some even speak Mandarin! ❤ i asked for their email address so i could send ’em our pictures but even their parents don’t have one. ):


Humberto wanted one too, so i took this shot of him; which i liked more than mine.

Don’t you think it’s just so adorable? ☺

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  1. soo refreshing! where is cameron? or what exactly?

    1. it is a tourism spot up a winding hill! 😀

  2. am wondering where is the place that you stayed in?
    available for rent?

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