happiness –it is easy to disappearinto your own mindinto their troubles– fleeting.so seek it –within thingswith friendsin food– at places.don’t –waitforce itrely on another– need permission.find it –herenowlike these first 5 cinspirations– in 2018.
1. within things – this lost bear sitting on the fence
{for adding a slice of amusement to an otherwise routined walk around the neighbourhood}
2. with friends – coincidentally twinning in mandarin and olive
{and the beginning of poteytoh, which needs some love, so please subscribe to support}
3. in food – cooked my first Tunisian dish with flying colors
{succeeding an old recipe learned from É’s brother-in-law’s mother last Christmas}
4. at places – the Rotunda Library
{discovering The Grand Old Rotunda Library which once used to be part of the Supreme Court, now a new addition to National Gallery Singapore. thank you, studioMilou}
5. my name – you can make you happy
{finally monogrammed onto my handsome TUMI 19 degree luggage, completing the missing puzzle piece}