This travelogue covers the leftover places in our itinerary. ‘Day 1’ was all about historical places and a sexc tower, if you remember. The indoor version highlights all the magnificent hotels and their exclusive shows. While that is something very new and special, ‘Day Two’ was more like me. Despite the endless rain, my cousin and I managed to see all the places we wanted to see and tasted the delicacies we dreamt of savoring. If you are also planning a 2 days trip to Macau like we did, here is a compilation of Must Visit places on a good (and bad) day outdoors. Enjoy!
1. Ah Ma Temple
{It’s just a temple but really, you shouldn’t miss this one out. You’ll see that most Macau travel itineraries feature this spot in their lists}
{My faithful cousin did her rounds of praying – under the rain. I stood under an umbrella in a narrow shelter snapping pictures! :x}
2. Journey on foot en route to Mandarin’s House and enjoy the neighborhood
{This part is where you can truly taste the more rustic and rural breathing life of Macau. Anywhere outside this radius is filled with hotels scraping the air}
{Here, we have our famous Petronas Twin Towers not scraped off the wall}
{Selfie, Portugese street name, old pastel building}
{In some way this place reminds me dearly of Sevilla, Spain. A very wet morning version though}
{Desperate cactus yearning for some sunny love}
{Behind this half-closed door a husband and wife were fighting ferociously. The peacefulness of the neighborhood was successfully interrupted by the latter’s roars. Their argument began when we were waiting for the Mandarin’s House to open the doors (strictly 9 a.m.) and lasted even after we were done with our tour! This little girl was carried in and out several times by her grandmother; which reminds me: Don’t fight in front of your children}
3. Mandarin’s House
{Complete tour here}
4. Guia Fortress
{Full guide here}
After all that beauty, we headed to the airport where we went separate ways after sharing some egg rolls. Sheau Torng took off to Singapore earlier, while I waited at the airport from 2 to 6, 6 to 8, 8 to 10 . . .
The plane couldn’t take off because of a crazy thunderstorm marked ‘red’; which means ‘danger’. We finally boarded the plane at 11 but it remained static till 12 a.m. By 1, it finally took off – shakily, but safely.
And I thank the Gods I am back in 1 piece.
More Macau travelogue:
KLCC in Macau? that’s pretty impressive. hahaha.