Bali day two!!!
entice you with nice pool picture first!
me, still yawning in ma pyjamas, butt-kicking some horny elephants tersumpah.
breakfast taim!!! i think that’s a lot of noms early in the morn for this girl below –
with 0 makeup & bengkak eyes O.o
checking out room 1120 (1121 is my birthday leh!) aiyaaa…
Kuta is a place for SHOPPING & SURFING. i ♥ Kuta. this is me & Bali Babes in matching Balinese transparent-batik-dress; which we bought in the end!
one of the many RM2 DVD shops – can you imagine how many frickin’ DVDs i bought? rofl
shopped like a mad fuck – no time to touchup makeup, felt uber thirsty, so i stopped to buy fruit juice that costs me around RM9 FML
fruit only mar… so expensive for what! *sneakily counts rupiahs
that was Kuta. now, Jimbaran. if you ever wanna travel Bali, my suggestion is to spend the first one / two days at Kuta, & when you’re there, don’t la eat Japanese or Chinese food!
hail a cab by 6 PM (Kuta streets are super jam i promise you) because you don’t want to miss the sunset there. 4D wan!!!!
we missed it. the sunset. i’m lucky cuz i went with Kenny & gang last year so i witnessed the 4D scenic view before, but poorrr Eri & Ruby.
coming to Jimbaran means seafood dinner. if you’re allergic to seafood….. fuck your life!
lobster MAX!
Ruby‘s funny facial expression with her friend, Prawn.
we selected the size of our ‘friends’ we wanted & now, it’s time to chillax’.
first things first (camwhore) :p
see what we are holding here?
let me give you a brighter picture :
here is a (short) story on Jagung Jimbaran.
from afar, along the beach, you will see some stalls like this. there are a few, just simply pick one.
IT IS A MUST TRY CORN!!!!! (i don’t know how many exclamation marks i should put here to emphasize this fact to you)
corns and nuts kukus
here is how the corn is done :
dibakar menggunakan api besar menjalar~
sambil menunggu epidermis jagung macam tergosong sedikit, sundalkanlah kameramu.
sapu ramuan rahsia – ada mentega, madu, garlic, dll. kalo ku tau, mesti menang Ramlee burger kat tepi jalan tuh.
percikkan serbuk rahsia =.=
dan mula MAKAN macam jakun!
sorry, i can’t translate that to english for you or it would kill the essence of my favourite jagung story lol…
do not buy the kacang kukus. sucks max – tiny like fetus & tasted like shit; how to makan??? diu.
gave up betting on the nuts. rested my soul staring into this space for almost half an hour.
then, we got a bemo from our previous resort to our next hotel at Ubud.
(bemos are cabs but they are unrecognizable because they are like jeeps. they are cheaper & bigger than cabs. always ask your hotel / resort to hail one for you or you might end up as a human trafficking victim lol!)
Arma Resort.
refreshed by a glass of sweet lemon grass tea the moment we arrived. Kuta to Ubud takes about an hour drive so i slept @_@
Puteri Tey Li Poh
sememangnya bilik Parameswara. geli max!!
Bali day two was awesome. the only downside was my throat – it was growing a thorny bush overnight T__________T
alrighty lovelings, now it’s time to write the next blog post about my pledge & hopefully read a bit before i sleep. xoxo
wow… i guess this is the tip of an iceberg..lots more to come right?
hey cindy,
love your post on bali. i so so missed it so much. i wan2
go again T-T
i find the seafood by the beach as per your pic above so so
only. mayb cuz im not used to the balinese style. not to
mentioned its super overpriced, all cuz of the nice view,
especially when u can c d plane touch down lolz like macam
wan2 drop into the sea!!
will definitely keep your bali post for my future reference

p/s: did u managed to try the balinese massage? at kuta
there is a massage parlour opened by a penangnite. i was so
surprised when he replied my malay with hokkien lolz..i
was like so gembira c a countryman…lolz so chinapek!!
Still beautiful although 0 makeup ^^
I wished so much to get to go travel like you
Which hotel/ resort that have that amazing pool?? SO wanna go there!
Cin angels suppose to go to Bali on a
mission but detour to makan fest.
Ada Puteri Tey Li Poh mana Sultan you?
Sultan with other wives. CHOYYY lol
waaaa I jealous max!!!!
[…] simple breaky compared to cindy’s […]
i still remember this place… the jagung is damn damn nice… cant use a word to describe… your post make me miss this place so so much~
i miss it too! very much T_________T
cindy . . . im actually GETTING in SONY from us
i phone , pad , vaio , cameras
r u interested to BE AN AMBASSADOR . . .
but im not sure if ur UP to it . . . . alot of models miss malaysia
are fighting for it . . . while i TEXT u all the time pulak
u heard of SHARON BEH
shes might probably get it . since that she approached me
I love aggressive people and SHE’s taller than u . . .
MISS MSIA lagi . . . hahahaha . . .
send me UR CV n i see how . . .
eventhough im ur FAN tapi tak boleh so unfair right? hahaha
try to impress me ok ?
anyone been to taiwan ? ? im going to meet SIAO S n ZHAO GE
arhhhhhhhhhhhh my idols . . . .
anyone going soon ? ? ? i bring u see SUPERSTARS if ur PRETTY ENOGH
my dear how do i SEE ur hits. ? ? tq
cindy 2 of ur FRENZ oso model ka? i want 3 of u together gether boleh?
if u c CINDY NGIN in here BANNNN her . . . shes my sis
kpc tell my DAD . . . .. hohohoh