5 Cinspirations
Here are 5 Japanese Cinspirations that add a touch of vibrancy to an otherwise dim week.
1. This good luck charm from Ise
{because it is nice to have things around that remind you of hope and faith}
2. These cute little souvenirs from Kyoto for my colleagues
{because they are believed to ‘grow money’ in bank accounts, making them appropriate gifts for fellows at work}
3. These adorable handcrafted owls
4. This polar bear scarf
{because it is not too warm around the next, making it wearable even for Malaysian weather}
5. This 3D bag of a house
{because it is also proven to be an ice breaker, amongst many other reasons why it should be loved}
[…] {Souvenir shop where I got myself a good luck charm} […]