It was a day where nothing turned out right. When the time arrived for me to attend a party i couldn’t reject, i simply dabbed on some concealer, layered my lashes with a single coat of mascara, and dashed out in sandals instead of heels. i wished i was invisible until a friend came up to me and said, “i wish i could have your skin. It is so transparent!” i suppose she meant “translucent” or i really would have been invisible; but despite the misused vocab, her compliment made my day. The first thing i did the next morning was to observe my skin up close in the mirror. Was it true what she said?
{wearing ONLY one tone eyeshadow and of course, clothes}
Her words gave me the confidence to prepare and win the tennis match while still looking good. Needless to say, i wouldn’t have been able to do it without Olay.
Known for its technology that provides fairness at a cellular level*, Olay White Radiance addresses hydration, translucency and whitening, and helps women achieve CelLucent™ Fairness – bright luminous fairness, rooted deep within skin at the cellular level*. In fact, Olay White Radiance CelLucentTM White Essence is proven to give 60% more spot reduction**.
Ruby and i found a nicely kept tennis court in the lush greens for our friendly match and everything turned out beautiful. We had been trying our very best to keep fit whilst not neglecting our skin while doing any outdoor activities, and i’m proud to say “mission accomplished!” Finally, here are some pictures from the match.
5 weeks using Olay finds my skin looking fairer, more transparent translucent, and hydrated. My existing freckles are also not visible anymore! On a different note, i love the scent and lightweight texture of each product in this range.
Olay White Radiance addresses hydration, translucency and whitening to help skin achieve bright luminous fairness, rooted deep within skin at the cellular level. A key product in this line-up is the Olay White Radiance CelLucentTM White Essence, powered by the CelLucentTM complex. With regular use, users will be able to achieve bright luminous skin without whitening injections. In fact, it is proven to give 60% more spot reduction!*
{my Anna Kournikova moment}
{Ruby’s Anna Kournikova moment}
In this journey with Olay i managed to restore my confidence in skincare products, as Olay truly understands my skin needs and most importantly, helps me experience the level of skin transformation that i yearn for in time for my special day. Last but not least, i hope it does the same for you too.
* in the epidermis layer only ** Measure in the laboratory for “Olay White Radiance CelLucent White Essence+ CelLucent White Cream” vs. “Olay White Radiance Intensive Brightening Essence+ Restoring Cream” after 4 weeks usage on 344 Chinese female in Beijing in 2008. *** Results not equal to cosmetic procedure
p/s: Olay Malaysia is giving away Olay White Radiance product, so remember to click LIKE on their Facebook page here to find out more!
wow… this gonna be on tv?? nice… can’t wait to see.. ^_^
hey, yes it is. it’s already airing but i’ve yet to see it myself. ^^
i think it’s on already but i haven’t seen it myself O.o
oic olay ads? can’t wait see u on tb later
hehe! they are mini drama series!
oic..takenote btw what the title?
tak de title kot… dia utk Olay White Radiance >.<
dah nampak blum? i sendiri pun tak nampak2 lagi!
belum lagi cindy …
*emm kagum awk sgt fasih bhse melayu*
pasni saya komen dlm bhse melayu iye..
i miss playing tennis! i’m really bad at it too!
oops i can see someone’s tummy there.. lols!!!
who? :O
i like your outfit! the skirt is just cute :)))