New Beijing post in pictures and captions! 8)
After visiting the so called “Forbidden” City, we went to the Changkat of Beijing where all the bars and pubs were located.
The totally WTF thing was that we went during the day -_-” But on the bright side, the whole family got our asses on a rockin’ trishaw ride!
The T Family.
Let the ride begin, shall we?
Hmmm… i wonder what mischievous thought my brother had in mind. So i asked him and found out it was a beautiful imagine of this :
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! My brother is the Best Male Travel Partner EVER.
He also takes great pictures for me!
The sunny ride.
i have pictures of the pubs and bars but somehow i don’t feel like uploading ’em at all.
My cool and handsome brother.
Then we took a walk in the park…
and my dad was the tour guide! Holy Moly~
i took this candid shot of my dad when he was busy chatting with an old man and looks like it just turned out to be :
i’m Eugene Cullen emerging from the woods. Get your neck ready to be bitten. Muahahaha~
Into the Woods.
Visited the 9 Dragons Wall.
Dong Hua Men (if i read that pillar correctly)
Ala Pasar Malam.
The 4 of us were super tempted max to try the food at these stalls but the tour guide reminded us not to, or we would definitely have our asses glued to toilet bowls for the next coupla days…
SERIOUSLY MEH?! i wanna try all these colourful sticks!! T_____T
Xiang Chao Rou (?) What’s that. Daging Rumput Wangi? Fragrant Grass Meat WTF?
Window shopping – that’s what happens when you follow a tour. 100% no time to shop, FML.
So i amused myself by letting the evil dark forces scare me by trying to peep at my boobies.
The apparently, famous mall. That yellow thing over there.
Dad saw this gigantic bookstore on TV so he memorized it for mum. How sweet of him. Why??
My mum is a woman who rather spends money on COOK BOOKS rather than bags, shoes, and clothes. i swear by the name of Agnes Chan we literally have a library of recipes from all over the World at home.
Soon came dinner time,
and we had some xiao long pau :
All sorts of flavours. Sorry, non-hahal.
And i shall end this post with a picture of me posing like a crane rather than some boring meat dumplings.
Crazy sexc post coming up this Friday; which is tomorrow actually. *sings* i kissed a girl, & i liked it! ♥