I can take a month off from life, but a week of absence from my blog means something serious to me. Fortunately, I have a reason good enough to dissolve the guilt of being M.I.A, and it is good news too!
The past week, É and I have been moving in to our new apartment. It is a central yet serene place we discovered together on foot while exploring new grounds one beautiful sunny day in January; which makes it a tad special. It is a lush place where you walk in and on spur of moment understand the meaning of feng shui, even if you never believed in its existence before.
I am lucky to be the kind of person who doesn’t have trouble falling asleep, except for one condition: there is an exciting goal in mind begging to be achieved. Whenever there is an upcoming vacation or task at hand I’m passionate about to complete, my mind keeps going and I need to get going with her too.
After rounds and rounds of pushing loaded trolleys back and forth, countless trips to IKEA, unpacking, cleaning, decorating then rearranging (É: I think this vase has moved like 300 times!), in just 3 days, our pad was ready for guests to visit.
There is always space to be better so I wouldn’t say it is 100% complete, but I am glad that it is all coming together. The most important thing missing (now it seems) is INTERNET.
Meanwhile, here is a peak into some corners of our new home – from the living room where most entertaining happens to bedside table arrangements and everything in between. I can’t wait to show you more. Enjoy the tour!
P.S. For a more virtual tour, follow me on Snapchat @ teycindy