Krabi : Phra Nang


While Elizabeth Gilbert wisely chose three staple words in life: Eat, Pray, Love, i believe the habitants surrounding Phra Nang also known as ‘Penis Island’ have long since lived by the three words: God, Love, Penis. First you pray to God in order to find Love, which then presents you a Penis to provide you with children.

It is believed that a Princess Goddess named Phra Nang who lives on this island is great at granting wishes for:

  • single people looking for romance,
  • couples who want to stay in love in terms of forever,
  • and married couples who would love to have many children.

When i first heard about this, i went nuts. Are you kidding me? i am a hopeless romantic and just any mystical tales of this genre enchant me inside out! The question is, is it true; that this Love Guru God grants your deepest romantic wishes? The answer is yes, if you’re lucky, perhaps even immediately; but not with the right one.


Having prayed to many Gods, especially in Thailand (i’m an agnostic and i respect ALL Gods), i must say that the only one that seems ‘accurate’, or leaves you feeling like you hit a jackpot after making a wish, is the famous four faced Buddha in Bangkok. As for the rest . . . let’s just say you make a wish, get some blessings, then draw your destiny with your own hands; with hope that believing in yourself AND God, will get you where you want to be. If God doesn’t exist, then maybe it is made up for mortals to learn how to Believe anyway.


Our third day journey started with a peaceful walk towards a ‘jetty’; where we would take a boat ride to the legendary Phra Nang island. That peace, was interrupted when i got cursed into being Spiderwoman at a spot; which is the picture above. Like any other Spiderman stories, my female version began when i walked into an obviously invisible cobweb where a poisonous spider (i learned that the more colorful a living thing is, the more toxic it is) crawled into my right ear and decided to web there.


{our little friend that got into my ear}

Of course, we managed to get her out before i gain some webby super powers.

Just thought that’d be an interesting story to share. From this point onwards, i’ll leave my captions will speak to you:


{This is the ‘long boat’ ride that destroyed my first DSLR (now i’m using the third one, the second one got stolen}


{en route to Phra Nang island – with two girls and a spider}


{that ‘thing’ on the rock is most likely my partner, Spiderman}


{giving my sincere prayers; somehow doubting if it was okay for me to be presented in front of ‘God’ in bikini. Eri says all God is understanding, especially when this one lives on an island. i think i can live with that}


{little horny horns}


{Princess Goddess}


{the stone hard penis}


{the golden penis}


{the Super Spicy Taiwan sausages penises}


{the big black penis . . . amongst some assorted Asian penises}


{the hill of penis museum from all around the world}


{amazing work of art in time by nature}


{dipping toes in cool fresh sea water}


{what happens when you try to lift Spiderwoman}


{a queer traveler / ‘bike ambassador’ we met (right after praying to Princess Goddess)}


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