Here are 5 sunny things that made my week.
1. This spine-tingling view from Phranang coast
{because to see such heart-stopping scene on a weekday for me is almost as rare as winning a lottery}
2. This ‘toy camera’ shot (and all pictures in this post) taken using my ZR20 by Casio Exilim
{because it takes beautiful artistic pictures easily with absolutely zero editing required}
3. This vintage interior design of a grand Thai restaurant @ Wangsai
{because somehow it reminded me of my grandmother’s kitchen where she used to feed me when i was 5}
4. This sticky rice & mango delicacy
{because no trip to Thailand is complete without it; just as no meal is complete without a dessert}
5. This secret Mc D bag
{because inside hides a Samurai pork burger; that beats all the other Mc Burgers!}