i can’t remember when but i guess it doesn’t matter since it almost felt like yesterday. “Yesterday”, i went to KK with one of my closest friends Eri and a party of Spanish men who were determined to conquer Mount Kinabalu. Here’s a secret revealed – the most memorable moment of the entire trip was on the plane…
Sandwiched between 2 people i love, got me a little emotional. Lying on his left shoulder, we shared an iPod. Halfway through John Mayer’s Edge of Desire got my cheeks feeling wet. It was the song that we slow danced to that priceless evening, the song that accompanied me everyday whenever he’s far away; and the fact that we were listening to it together above the melting sun that bathed clouds gold was too beautiful for me to handle. If anything, they were tears of joy and gratitude; which my tearducts would never have produced if not for my iPod (which i sincerely thank Steve Jobs for).
{paintings from the sky}
{the Cineri (Cindy + Eri) bed}
{dining @ Upper Star}
{lousy club that gave me the best memory (story to be shared)}
i dedicate this post to Steve Jobs even though he won’t be reading; alive or not, but more for my personal longing. People aside, my Mac Book, iPod, and iPhone has never failed to endlessly give me the most fun and faithful companionship no other man made creation could possibly provide. R.I.P. SJ.